Coffee for Clean Oceans

SeaHive’s sister company, Pakt, launched the Pakt Coffee Kit  over the summer, and it is now making its way to backers around the world. The Pakt Coffee Kit is everything you need to make barista-quality coffee in one sleek, portable package. The packaging that houses the kit is 100% plastic-free thanks to the design by Pakt & SeaHive. 

Every year, billions of products are manufactured, packaged, and shipped around the world in plastic packaging. Those packaging materials make up approximately ⅓ of all plastic waste and stick around for centuries, often contaminating our environment, ocean, and wildlife. 

Pakt is committed to designing and sourcing 100% plastic-free packaging for all Pakt products with SeaHive. 

Here’s a look at the packaging the coffee kit came in!

The exterior


We designed the packaging to snugly and securely fit a single Pakt Coffee Kit, with no extra room that would require any plastic bubble void fill (the typical culprit of excessive plastic-waste). This ensures that your Pakt Coffee Kit has very little chance of getting damaged in transit and minimizes the carbon footprint of shipping the product.


The exterior of the box is stamped with the SeaHive seal, proudly proclaiming that this package contains no plastic.



The Coffee Kit is wrapped in a beautiful (and handy!) brew guide illustrated by our friends at No Thanks; that doubles as a poster. Mine lives on my fridge!


For more on the coffee kit, head to